Mekteb Suite

Situated in the Ottoman garden, it overlooks the garden as well as the sea. Entering one sees an old “forgotten” fount and steps up to the main area of the suite. Underneath the enormous dome with the huge chandelier and in the center of the room is situated the bed. The room is surrounded by 8 windows through which can see the port. In the bathroom, the bathtub is located by the window overlooking the domes and the sea. The WC with an oblong washbasin are separate.

52 m2

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Imaret's History Nuggets

No where is Mohamed Ali’s interest in the town of his birth more apparent, than with the magnificent complex (Külliye) of charitable buildings he began constructing in 1813. 

Located below the fortress in the lower walled city, in its final form this complex included two Medreses (higher level colleges), one which taught the traditional Islamic sciences, and one known as the Mühendishane, or College of Engineering, in which were taught the modern sciences and mathematics. 




Imaret Hotel